The “Ewige Wand” trail on a gravel bike
A technically challenging gravel bike tour takes you over the Ewige Wand. But not only that, the Weissenbachtal valley and the Chorinsky Klause are also highlights for gravel bikers.
The Ewige Wand is certainly unique as a rideable trail in Austria and mostly reserved for mountain bikers. However, the Ewige Wand is also suitable for gravel bikers with good riding technique. On this tour, you will have to push and carry your gravel bike a few metres, but the reward and the panorama will make you forget about it after just a few minutes. The Weissenbach Valley is also a real natural highlight.
Gravel bike tour from Bad Goisern
Bad Goisern offers us an ideal starting point for our tour. Countless cycle tours for mountain bikes and gravel bikes start here. You will also find accommodation, restaurants and bike shops here. And of course a railway station!
From the centre of Bad Goisern, we head south over the Traun and quickly turn north onto the cycle path. The small side roads and gravel paths are a good introduction and you can "warm up" here.
The Weissenbach Valley offers Champagne Gravel
At the Weissenbach Wirt restaurant we turn off into the Weissenbach valley. Watch out, this is where Erwin crosses. Maybe it's still a little too early, but you should definitely stop for a drink or one of the local specialities on the way back and get to know the charismatic innkeeper.
Now we cycle up the valley at a constant incline. At the junction, we keep left and leave the tarmac. Now we ride up the winding road on perfect gravel. Every now and then we can catch a glimpse of the surrounding mountain panorama, especially in summer you will appreciate the dense forest and the cool, clear air here. The gentle ascent and a marvellously winding road fly by and then we come to the next highlight.
The Chorinsky Klause
The Chorinsky Klause is a historical highlight. A timber drift that was built in 1819 and only renovated in 2023 after a flood. In the past, 4,000 m³ of water was collected here at the 6.2 metre high dam wall to flush wood down the Weissenbach valley with an artificial flood wave.
In the meantime, the dam is of course no longer used for nature conservation reasons and wood is transported away much more efficiently via the forest roads. However, the Chorinsky Klause used to be so special and exciting that even a seat for the emperor was built there. You can find it next to a tree when you cross the dam and go down the path a little.
However, you will have to leave your bike behind. It's worth it!
Gravel descent through the Weissenbach valley
Now we return to the forest road and continue uphill a little further on the other side of the Weissenbach stream. The road soon slopes downwards and we rush back down through the forest and across open spaces.
Watch out! It's Erwin crossing again!
The Weissenbachwirt offers a fantastic opportunity to stop for a bite to eat. Here you can enjoy local dishes and cool drinks! And of course the restaurant is very cyclist-friendly!
Now we cycle back to the Traun and to Lauffen near Bad Ischl, where we cross the Traun and pass the historic Anzenaumühle mill. Now it's uphill again! The forest road winds uphill with a few hairpin bends. We soon reach the steps at the foot of the Ewige Wand.
Gravel biking on the "Ewige Wand” Trail
The "Ewige Wand” or eternal wall in english, has become a symbol for mountain biking in the Salzkammergut. In fact, it is perhaps one of the highlights of mountain biking in Austria.
A narrow path that winds its way through a proverbial eternal wall of stone. The (unofficial and obviously not serious) information from tourism was: "They probably had some explosives left over."
In reality, the path was largely driven into the rock face by hand and with simple tools at the end of the 19th century with the aim of providing safe access to the higher alpine pastures.
It is now used by tourists and the tunnels and endless views attract numerous hikers and cyclists.
Experienced cyclists can also do this on a gravel bike! First carry your bike up the new steps, technically good cyclists can go straight onto the bike here, those who don't dare can push a few more metres until the path becomes flat.
From now on, you can expect an adventurous ride through tunnels and along a seemingly endless wall. (Don't worry, the trail is well secured with handrails and the path is flat and easy to ride).
Via the Rathlucken hut back to Bad Goisern
The path soon widens again and leads us through dense forest. We emerge from the forest at a clearing and change from a narrow gravel path to a tarmac road. Here you can stop for a bite to eat at the Rathlucken hut!
Now you have to cycle a little further uphill on tarmac before cycling back downhill to Bad Goisern on a fine road with lots of hairpin bends.
Ice cream or a proper meal? Your choice, Bad Goisern has everything on offer, you've earned it!