Grevet #3: Cycling, vines and castles

Social Ride




Offen Für






Grevet number 3 takes you from Vienna to the Wachau. Attention Buschenschanken!

Beschreibung dieses Rides

Grevet (pronounced gre-ve) is a fusion of two words: "gravel" and "brevet". Essentially, it's a long-distance cycling event, but with a twist! Instead of staying on the smooth asphalt, Grevets take you on a journey over gravel roads, trails and sometimes even through rough terrain.

Whether you're an experienced cyclist looking for a new challenge or an occasional cyclist in search of an adventure, a Grevet is a chance to push your limits, explore new horizons and make unforgettable memories in the process.

Grevet events are carefully crafted routes that ensure participants are properly introduced to the world of long-distance cycling. Each event is designed to gradually prepare cyclists both mentally and physically for ultra-distance challenges. From the outset, riders are guided through a carefully structured series of routes ranging from 105 to 400 kilometers, which correspond to classic randonneur distances on asphalt in terms of performance demand and average riding time.

Four Grevets will take place in Austria in 2024:

GREVET #1: Between Barbaricum and Pannonia
APRIL 06 - APRIL 28:📍120 km / 800 m elevation gain / Danube
GREVET #2: Praying for Gravel
04 MAY - 26 MAY📍125 km / 2,200 m elevation gain / Vienna Woods
GREVET #3: Cycling, vines and knights' castles
📅 01 JUNE - 23 JUNE📍170 km / 3,000 m elevation gain / Wachau

GREVET #4: Iron Curtain: Unlimited adventure
06 JULY - 21 JULY📍310 km / 1800 m elevation gain / AT-CZ-SK-HU

Long double tracks await you during the vienna grevets.

The first date per Grevet is our "Social Ride", where we set off in a group. The members of the Kurbel Kollektiv Wien ride with you and are there for you if you need help. On this ride, we try to ride at a pace that everyone in the group can keep up with. Otherwise, you have three weeks to complete the rides yourself.

The Grevet series was created in Berlin by @grevet_cycling. It's the ideal preparation for long and ultra distance events and to become an:e experienced bikepacker:in. Once you have completed the entire series, you will also be more than ready to take part in the "Supergrevet" from Vienna to Berlin (

Grevets are explicitly not a race, although there will be a finishers list at the end to encourage you to get through those tough moments in the saddle!

And last but not least, we want to encourage you to push your own limits, but also offer a welcoming atmosphere and real team spirit! We welcome people of all genders and experience levels to participate.

You can find a detailed description of the route and all registration information here.

Grevet number 3 on the map - from Vienna to the Wachau vine region.